POP EVIL To Release Two New Songs, 'Let The Chaos Reign' And 'Work', On Thursday

April 28, 2020

Two brand new songs from POP EVIL, "Let The Chaos Reign" and "Work", will make their online debut this Thursday, April 30 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET. Short teasers for both tracks are available below.

POP EVIL vocalist Leigh Kakaty and his bandmates have been hard at work in Los Angeles this winter, putting the finishing touches on their yet-to-be-titled new LP, due later this year. The band has been collaborating with a team of producers and is eager to release new music. The new effort will be the follow-up to POP EVIL's self-titled album, which came out in 2018 to some high critical praise.

In early March, Kakaty said: "We have been grinding away, narrowing down 30 written songs to the top picks... We are in the final stretch of making music. We have a few completely finished. We have been working with multiple producers that fit each song's dynamic, and we can't wait to unleash these new songs to the world."

This past December, Kakaty told The Oakland Press that the material he has written for POP EVIL's next album was some of his "favorite" stuff. "There's never a direction at this point," he said. "We want to obviously have guitars and have them loud and have it heavy, but we also want to stay true to the groove that we've had with songs like 'Footsteps' and 'Take It All' and 'Ways to Get High'. We have that 'Pop' and more vocal, melodic songs, but then of course there's the 'Evil' that's just straight heavy — so basically what we've always done. We're just trying to shape it and make it be better."

Kakaty and POP EVIL guitarist Nick Fuelling recently embarked on a short acoustic tour, playing unplugged versions of the band's favorites.

"Pop Evil" marked POP EVIL's recording debut with British drummer Hayley Cramer, who joined the group in 2016 following the departure of Josh "Chachi" Marunde.



Posted by Pop Evil on Monday, April 27, 2020



Posted by Pop Evil on Friday, April 24, 2020

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